Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Foreign Food Film

While at Deep Creek Lake with friends earlier this summer, we got to talking about foreign films worth seeing. The list included Cyrano De Bergerac, a film called the Departures, and a French movie entitled Babette's Feast. When we got home from the lake, we added Babette's Feast to our Netflix cue, and it arrived yesterday.

It's the story of an amazing French chef who is forced to leave Paris because of the Civil War. She goes to live with two older sisters in a small impoverished Danish Protestant village. They take her in and let her live with them. As a way to thank them and to express her artistic love for food, she prepares for them a full French dinner. It is an incredible portrayal of friendship, unrequited love, and the beauty of sharing one's passion for food.

Add it to your Netflix and let me know what you think!
-Domestic in the District

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